As a result, the Atomic Blimp and taxi rides are not available (though both still spawn, with taxis being hijackable). The Phone is only functional as a Snapmatic camera. Mission-related structures cannot be entered but a number of buildings such as the Pacific Standard Public Deposit Bank, the meth lab, convenience stores and liquor stores may still be entered, though the latter two may not be robbed (in fact in Director Mode there are no cashiers present, though cash registers will still dispense money if shot or hit). Safehouses may be entered, however the Vanilla Unicorn may not. Parachutes are not available to NPC characters, but can be used by the protagonists if chosen as actors.

The Mount Chiliad cable car is not functional.
Random events and minigames are not available, nor is hunting, the amusement park rides, or the movie theaters. There are no clothing stores or barber shops accessible in this mode.

Choosing "None" also prevents parked vehicles from spawning, as well as aircraft and trains. Choosing "None" also eliminates non-flying animals. Sets the density of pedestrians in an area. Does not disable "good Samaritans" who may attack if they witness a crime. First responders (fire, ambulance) will still arrive. Note that players may continue to be be attacked by police, military and security guards if Disabled is chosen while they are in the midst of battle, or if attacked directly. Sets the Wanted Level, from Normal (unwanted but usual rules will apply if the actor commits any crime) or pre-set to Low (2 stars), Medium (3 stars) or High (5 stars) or can be Disabled (no wanted level can be gained in the session).

For players who do not participate in GTA Online, it is the only way to experience snowy weather in Los Santos, though snow does not accumulate as it does in GTA Online.

When accessed in-session from the Interaction Menu, additional options are available to freeze time and make manual fine adjustments. Midnight always starts at 00:00/12:00 AM). Each time starts from a pre-defined hour (i.e.